Recognizing Exceptional Service: The Glenn A. & Melinda W. Adams Service Project of the Year Award
Are you a 2024 Eagle Scout? If so, we have a great opportunity for you!
The Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council (SVMBC) in conjunction with the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) proudly presents the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award (ESSPY), an esteemed accolade that honors outstanding service by Eagle Scouts through their projects. This award recognizes the remarkable contributions made by Eagle Scout candidates to religious institutions, schools, communities, and various entities.
Celebrating Impactful Projects
The ESSPY highlights projects of exceptional nature, often benefiting underprivileged children, honoring veterans, helping schools and communities, or addressing international needs. These projects require considerable dedication of time and resources, showcasing the Scouts’ commitment to their communities.
Selection Process
The award selection starts at the local level, facilitated by the SVMBC NESA committee. After reviewing nominations, the committee will select a recipient from our council.
The winner is then submitted to the Council Service Territory (CST) consideration. The CST scholarship committee then identifies “Territory” ESSPY recipients, who receive $300 to support future educational endeavors or participation in Scouting events.
From this pool, the national recipient is chosen by a special selection committee, with the honored Scout receiving $3,500 for educational purposes or Scouting activities.
Nominations Open for 2024 Eagles
Nominations for the council award are now open, with eligibility extended to anyone who earned their Eagle Scout rank in 2024. Nominations can be submitted by the Eagle Scout, their parents, or any registered BSA volunteer (with the Scout’s permission). All nominations must be sent to the SVMBC NESA committee by January 31, 2025, at The Council recipient will be announced by February 28, 2025.
Evaluation Critera
Projects will be evaluated based on a comprehensive set of criteria, including:
- Project Planning: Evidence of thorough planning and execution.
- Challenges Overcome: The Scout’s ability to navigate difficulties, including personal limitations.
- Leadership: The extent of leadership demonstrated throughout the project.
- Achievement of Results: How well the project met its intended goals, including any necessary modifications.
- Community Impact: The project’s benefits to its beneficiaries and the wider community.
- Inspiration: Potential for the project to motivate others to expand its scope.
- Originality: Creativity and uniqueness of the project.
- Scope of Work: The overall scale of the project.
- Resources: Time and materials contributed.
- Skill Level: The expertise demonstrated during project completion.
How to Apply
- Interested candidates can download the nomination form from the NESA website at
- Nominations MUST BE SUMBITTED to the SVMBC NESA committee at
Please make sure that all parts of the nomination are completed.
- Completed nomination form
- A SINGLE PDF FILE with the following items should be submitted with this nomination form:
- Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook
- Up to 10 project photographs
- Optional supporting documentation (drawings, news articles, etc.)
- Optional (but highly recommended): a short video that is between 3-5 minutes, tells the story of your Eagle Scout Service Project and describes the impact on their community as well as yourself. (details for submission are included on the nomination form)
For more Information
For additional details, please contact the SVBMC NESA committee at This award not only honors the dedication of Eagle Scouts but also inspires future generations to engage in meaningful service.
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