Memorial and Tribute
A gift to our Memorial & Tribute Fund encourages young people to live the life of a Scout and perpetuate the high principles of a friend.
Virtually any important event in someone’s life can be recognized by this type of contribution – retirement, joining Cub Scouts, achievement of Eagle Scout, or the memory of a special Scouter or loved one.
Special acknowledgements are sent to the donor and the recipient, or their family.
You decide what amount to give to our Memorial & Tribute Fund – amounts are kept confidential and are tax-deductible.
Please mail your contribution to:
ATTN: Memorial & Tribute Fund
Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council
1900 The Alameda
San Jose, CA 95126
Checks can be made payable to SVMBC.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 408-638-8300.