Get your Scouts Involved for Earth Day

Earth Day is April 22nd and a great way to remind our Scouts of their important role in protecting our planet.
Now’s the perfect opportunity to talk to the members of your unit about doing their part. Below are some activities and crafts to help your Scouts interested and talking about environmental stewardship!

Earth Day Craft & Activities Ideas

Crafts and activities are a great way to start the conversation with your Scouts about many environmental and conservation ideas.

DIY Seed Bombs

 Planting seeds is a wonderful kick-off to spring and summer, and learning how to make seed bombs is a great way to get your planting started. Bonus, you can give these seed bombs as gifts!

Make these DIY seed bombs with simple materials you can pull straight from the recycling bin or use scraps of colored paper.


Bird Feeder

Try this easy cardboard bird feeder for Spring!  Studying nature and natural life is a rewarding science activity to set up for kids, and learning how to care for and give back to nature is equally important.  Make your own super simple bird feeder and add this fun bird watching activity to your kid’s day!


Pollinator Garden

Help save our butterflies and pollinators by planting milkweed in your garden.

 Save our Monarchs has a program to give Scout Units a inexpensive set of seeds to plant. Details here.

Make sure to try to opt for native plants whenever possible!

Planet Protector's Club

Start a Planet Protector’s Club with your Den! The EPA has fun activities to help elementary students learn about environment protection. Details here.

Conservation & Service Project Ideas

Service Projects are a great way to reinforcing the good lessons your scouts are learning with tangible action and results. Here are a few ideas about conservation and service projects to try.

Host a drive to collect e-waste

E-waste is a growing problem in the U.S. and around the world. E-waste represents more than 70% of toxic waste in landfills. So it’s probably not surprising that only 12.5% of e-waste is recycled.

This is an opportunity for your scouts to help raise awareness about this problem within our school and community. Students can research a nearby recycling facility and organize a drive to collect e-waste to help combat this problem in your community. For those in the Bay Area, our local partner Trash Punx can help put on this drive. 

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