
Unit Recharter

The unit charter renewal process is essential to the continued growth of the Boy Scouts of America.  Internet Rechartering is an Internet-based application that is indirectly connected to My.Scouting membership data and provides the ability for unit leaders to complete the online portion of rechartering from their home (office, etc.) over the Internet.

All Unit Charters Must Be Submitted To The Council By December 1, 2023. 

You may submit completed charters earlier.

IMPORTANT: Any units that do not complete the Recharter process by December 29th are considered dropped and no longer registered.

Recharter consists of several steps:

1. Update your unit’s roster and submit in the internet advancement

2. Unit’s Key 3 (or Key 3 Delegate) have to sign the Annual Charter Agreement.

3. District Executive will review and sign the Annual Charter Agreement.

4. Submit your JTE Scorecard online.

5. Submit your Commissioner Challenge application online.

6. Update your unit’s information online (Popcorn, SOR, FOS, etc.)

7. Youth Protection Training (YPT) must be current for all Adult Volunteers with an expiration date no earlier than March 31st, 2024.  To update or take this training, please visit My.Scouting.Org .

New to Internet Rechartering?

Guide to Common Questions- Have a question send it here 

Steps for Annual Recharter
  1. New applications (youth and adult) should be submitted in advance (online or paper). Doing this will reduce the amount of data entry when rechartering.
  2. Make sure all registered leader’s Youth Protection Training status is current through 3/31/2024.
  3. Log onto Recharter System (see log in instructions below). Complete all steps.
  4. You will be prompted to upload any corresponding paperwork (including Youth Protection Cert, Background Check form, CORI form, and copy of ID for adults) for any additions being made to the charter.
  5. **DO NOT PAY FOR THE CHARTER ONLINE** – select “Pay at Council”. The system has been problematic and not always processing credit cards.
  6. Anything that has not been uploaded should be dropped off at the office or emailed to registration@svmbc.org
  7. After you click “Pay and Post Renewal,” an “Adobe Sign” email from adobesign@adobesign.com will be sent to the Key 3 (Cubmaster/Scoutmaster/Advisor, Committee Chair, and Charter Representative) for final approval and submission of the charter. Only one individual must sign it.
  8. The following items should be submitted to the council
    1. The final renewal roster (Key 3 receive an email from adobesign@adobesign.com with a link after the charter is approved. In the middle of the email is a blue box with the wording “Open Agreement”)
    2. Annual Charter Agreement- via formsite
    3. Journey to Excellence form
2024 Registration Fees


Updates for 2023-2024 Recharter


Registration Fee Scholarship

To assist with the increase in registration fees, our executive board has approved a scholarship fund for families needing registration assistance. To apply, download and submit this form:

2024 Registration Scholarship Application

Important AdobeSign Information

  • All units must complete their packet through the AdobeSign platform. Paper copies will not be accepted. 
  • Roster updates will be done through the BSA’s charter renewal system. All applications, YPT certificates, and criminal background check forms must be uploaded into that system.  
BSA Charter Renewal System

The unit key 3 (or Key 3 Delegate) will have access to the internet charter renewal tool in Internet Advancement.

The system lets you enter new members, renew current members, and update information for any registrant.  When completed, the new unit roster is submitted electronically to the council. 

Units must collect online signatures from their executive officer or charter organization representative in DocuSign and submit the recharter and pay online in the internet charter renewal system  in order to complete the process.

There will also be a final signature required by the Key 3 of the unit emailed to them through Adobe sign by the system. 

All BSA policies are enforced throughout the system, so what you enter is sure to meet all requirements.  Remember current Youth Protection training (expires every 2 years) is required before a leader can register or recharter, go to www.my.scouting.org to take the online course.

If you have any questions or comments, contact your Unit Commissioner or District Executive 408-638.8300 who will be glad to help you through the process.

Assigning a Key 3 Delegate

Only a member of the Key 3 or an assigned delegate can access the recharter system. Delegates must be registered adults with the BSA and are assigned in my.scouting (Position Manager) by a current member of the Key 3.

Position Manager is found in the Organization Manager tool on My.Scouting. It combines the features that were available in Organization Security Manager ie. allowing you to assign “functional” roles to users, and the new feature to allow the Chartered Organization Representative (COR) (or their designee) to change registered positions. To access Position Manager, go to Menu > select your organization >
Organization Manager. You will see two tabs at the top of the page – Registered Positions and Functional Roles.

A detailed walkthrough can be found HERE. 

Please note that changes may take overnight/24 hours to go into effect. 

Sample Charter Renewal Packet

Instructions and Information

Charter Renewal Forms
 Journey to Excellence Forms:
Background Check Authorization Forms
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