
Camp Card Sale

The Camp Card Sale has been discontinued effective 2024.

Why are we making this change?

The Scout-O-Rama committee reviewed the feedback and results of the last few years and determined that many units do not see the sale as a viable fundraiser (especially when popcorn is such a successful one) and there has been waning interest in the coupons offered as part of the card. Additionally, many of the marquee coupons like Tractor Supply and Safeway were not available going into this year.

As such, the Scout-O-Rama committee decided to forgo the Camp Card Sale as a fundraiser and instead focus on the Scout-O-Rama event and modernizing our ticketing system.

Other Fundraising Opportunities

We understand that by discontinuing the Camp Card we are taking away a fundraising opportunity, but there are other opportunities available to you. Below are two fundraising opportunities available that many units prefer and find lots of success in:

Year-Round Online Popcorn Sale – Your scouts can sell all year, not just in the fall. Email popcorn@svmbc.org with questions or if you need more information.

Want to do your own fundraiser? You can! Here is the application.

We are excited to move forward with a new and updated ticket system! We hope your unit has many successes in the other fundraising opportunities!

How will I get my tickets for Scout-O-Rama?

In the coming weeks we will have more details about getting your tickets for Scout-O-Rama. It will be an easy online ticket and will still be required for every family attending the event just like every year. Ticket sales will go live on March 2nd at University of Scouting. Watch Scouter Weekly for details!

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