
Changes to the Cub Scout Program now in effect as of June 1, 2024

The Cub Scout program will be updated for the 2024-25 program year. Cub Scout program changes are important for Scout leaders of all levels to know about. The new updates are based on feedback from over 23,000 parents and Cub Scout leaders through various surveys and data. The National Cub Scout committee identified four key improvements.

The four areas of improvement are the Bobcat badge, Cub Scout Adventures, Webelos, and Cub Scout Awards. 


Bobcat will become a required Adventure for each rank and is designed to be the first Adventure earned each year. The requirements for the Bobcat Adventure are different for each grade to make them age-appropriate.

Cub Scout Adventures 

Cub Scout Adventures have been improved to make it easier to deliver the program to multi-rank dens or as a Pack. A Cub Scout will need to earn six required Adventures and two elective Adventures to complete each rank. Required Adventures reflect the aims and focus areas of the BSA. There will be an increase in the number of elective adventures to choose from.

Webelos and Arrow of Light 

Webelos and Arrow of Light will be separated. Webelos becomes the 4th-grade program in Cub Scouting. Arrow of Light becomes a stand-alone badge of rank for 5th graders and will no longer be associated with Webelos. Arrow of Light will be the program that prepares Cub Scouts to join Scouts BSA. 

Cub Scout Awards

Cub Scouts Awards will be reimagined as Cub Scout Adventures. Topics like camping, STEM, and range and target sports are reimagined into elective Adventures that can be used towards earning a badge of rank.

What’s not changing?

For one: the Scout Oath and Law. That was nonnegotiable.

The uniforms also are not changing.

But maybe most importantly, the overall goal of the Cub Scout program — character, citizenship, personal fitness and leadership — remain the same.

Cub Scouting’s values remain embedded in the Scout Oath, the Scout Law, the Cub Scout motto, and the Cub Scout sign, handshake and salute, as they always have been.

Summer is here! What rank is my Cub Scout now?

Cub Scouts who just finished kindergarten are now Tiger Cub Scouts and can start work on the updated Tiger program from now all the way through next spring.

Cub Scouts who just finished first grade are now Wolves.

Cub Scouts who just finished second grade are now Bears.

Cub Scouts who just finished third grade are now Webelos.

Cub Scouts who just finished fourth grade are now Arrow of Light.

Children who begin kindergarten this fall can start working on the new Lion requirements once they start school in August or September.

Click here to learn more about the aims and methods of Cub Scouting.

Click here to find a pack near you.

The Scouting adventure, camping trips, high-adventure excursions, and having fun are important to everyone in Scouting—and so is your safety and well-being. Completing the Annual Health and Medical Record is the first step in making sure you have a great Scouting experience. 

The three page form has a Part C that needs to be filled out and signed by a physician. There needs to be a current set of vital signs (i.e. blood pressure, heart and respiratory rate, body temperature, etc.) Part C is only required for participation in events lasting longer than 72 hours, all Boy Scouts of America participants are encouraged to complete this pre-participation to the activity.

Kaiser Permanente is a local medical group that provides medical care for approximately 74% of all attendees to Camp Hi-Sierra. Kaiser changed its policy last year so that all youth groups get the same, generic form for Part C. The Council Risk Management Committee determined that these Kaiser forms are acceptable as long as they have a current set of vitals.


Please note this Kaiser form is acceptable to go to Camp Hi-Sierra,  but is not accepted for any of the High Adventure Bases or Jamborees.  If you are attending a summer camp other than Camp Hi-Sierra, please check with that Council to determine whether or not they will accept the Kaiser form.  

We are modernizing! The Council has begun the transition to a new system named Black Pug. This exciting tool will consolidate four systems to one – streamlining event registrations, payments, check-in, and managing your unit account.

Over the next few months, you will see changes to how payments are processed at the front desk or over the phone, reserve camping, and sign up for events.

Click here to reserve a Campsite

Setting Up An Account

A Black Pug account allows you to save your activity data, makes registering faster, and access your unit account if you have a leadership role in your unit. Below is how to get started! If you are a committee chair, make sure to register with the email address on file in my.scouting.org so that it automatically syncs you with your unit. 

Video below includes:

  • Creating account
  • Editing profile
  • Changing password
  • Import and manage roster
  • View past registrations

Registering For Events

A Black Pug account allows you to save your activity data, makes registering faster, and access your unit account if you have a leadership role in your unit. Below is how to get started! If you are a committee chair, make sure to register with the email address on file in my.scouting.org so that it automatically syncs you with your unit. 

Videos below includes:

  • Finding information about event or training
  • Who to contact for questions
  • Entering contact information and  participant information
  • Required information in red
  • Additional actions – Adding or deleting participants. etc
  • Pay schedule and completing check-out process
  • Council policies

Accessing Roster Imported By Council

Once a month we will update the roster in Black Pug to assist you in registering on behalf of your unit and to valid membership for anyone registered to stay overnight. For anyone in your unit with roster access they will be able to see the roster and use it when registering. 

Videos below includes:

  • How to see the units that you are linked 
  • Accessing the roster
  • Using the roster to register
  • Viewing activities by participant

Unit Account Management

Every unit has a controller (committee chair) that has the keys to the unit and can provide different access to other members of their unit to see the roster, make payments, see current unit account amounts, and more. The below video is for the controller of the unit. 

Videos below includes:

  • How to add additional trusted people for your unit
  • Deposit to your Unit account
  • Different levels of access that can be set up
  • How to see a record of unit transactions. 

We have an important update for you. A memo about BSA National fee updates was released to Council Key 3s during the National Annual Meeting of the BSA early this month. This change is typically announced in mid-July.

As you might expect, information has quickly made the rounds via social media, and we are aware that many of our volunteers have heard portions of the message, if not the whole message. While we’d like to have all of the answers for you today, the changes that are coming will take time for our council to understand how they affect our units. Rest assured that the Council Executive Board and Staff are working to define the scope of the changes. We want to present our frontline volunteers and parents with the right information rather than speculation.

For a summary, click here.

So, what do we know?

1) Some fees are increasing, and some are staying the same. In the setting of economic inflation and the National Council exiting from bankruptcy, this is an unfortunate but necessary consequence of ensuring that Scouting will continue. New fees and the changes below will take effect on August 1.

2) The adult fee increase is directly related to the cost of the new enhanced background check. California AB 506 rules do not supersede the BSA check and remain requirements for volunteers in all youth service organizations in the state.

3) There is a new fee of $25 for newly registered Merit Badge Counselors (MBC). This fee applies to those only serving as an MBC and no other role. For those currently only serving as an MBC, this fee will apply at recharter time for the 1/1/24 to 12/31/24 time frame.  

4) Our local council annual insurance fee will increase to cover rising insurance costs for the council. Our local insurance fee will be $16 per person, a $4 increase starting August 1. Merit Badge Counselors will continue to benefit from insurance but not pay into our insurance program.

5) New member fees will no longer be prorated. Both youth and adults will pay the full annual membership fee and will renew their membership on the anniversary date of joining Scouting. The current recharter process will change. We are unsure of the exact changes, but we expect that the onerous recharter process will be simplified by this change. 

6) Because member fees will no longer be prorated, the SVMBC insurance will also no longer be prorated. 

7) Existing members will renew their membership during their normal registration/recharter cycle through March 2024. Moving forward, all members will renew on their anniversary date.

  • Existing members’ Anniversary date will be their unit recharter month.
  • New members’ Anniversary date will be the month they joined.

In summary, beginning August 1, 2023, all new youth and adult members who join Scouting will be enrolled in a 12-month membership cycle and BSA will cease prorating fees. Both youth and adults will pay the full annual National Council membership fee and will renew their membership on the anniversary date of joining Scouting. All proration of membership fees will be eliminated.

Below are our updated fees:

We will update you with additional information as we learn more. This information will be sent via email and will be updated on the council website.

We hope to better understand these changes in the next few weeks and appreciate your patience as we learn more.

Yours in Scouting, 

Chris McGugan, Council President

Jeff Thompson, Council Commissioner

Eric Tarbox, Scout Executive

Scouting’s Barrier to Abuse is getting stronger this fall. As part of our ongoing commitment to abuse prevention, the Boy Scouts of America is updating the adult supervision requirements for overnight activities. This update enhances the minimum “two-deep leadership” requirements by additionally requiring every adult present on overnight activities to be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America. A limited exception is for parents and legal guardians of Cub Scout youth attending overnight with their children.

 All other adults staying overnight in connection with a Scouting activity must be currently registered in an adult fee-required position as listed or as an adult program participant starting September 1, 2023. In addition, these adults must submit an adult application and registration fee, complete the Live Scan criminal background check and complete the required Youth Protection and Mandated Reporter training.  

Simply put, starting September 1 all adults who attend an overnight activity must be fully registered in Scouting. The only exception is for parents or legal guardians attending with their Cub Scouts.

This new policy will protect our Scouts by improving adherence to Youth Protection policies at camps and adding more uniform screening of adults interacting with our Scouts. We recommend all units use this summer to work with your families to explain this new policy and start registering anyone planning to go camping with the unit.

More information can be found in Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse and Youth Protection and Barriers to Abuse FAQs. Click here to watch our Informational Meeting we held on Zoom. Below are answers to some common questions and scenarios.

Thank you for your commitment to keeping our Scouts safe.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does a Cub Scout parent or legal guardian have to be a registered leader to participate in a Cub Scout overnight program with their own child/ward? A: No. However, they cannot serve as unit or den two deep leadership or supervision.

Q: I am an adult attending a pack, troop, crew, or ship overnight activity, do I have to be registered?
A: Yes, if you participate/stay overnight, you must be currently registered in an adult fee required position or as an adult program participant. Exception for legal guardians attending with their Cub Scout.

Q: When does this change take effect?
A: All Cub Scout Packs, Scouts BSA Troops, Venturing Crews, Sea Scouting Ships, Exploring Posts, council, and district overnight programs will be required to comply with this update by September 1, 2023. We encourage early adoption prior to the effective date to get your families ready for this change.

Q: Why is this change being made?
A: For decades the BSA has evolved its Barriers to Abuse to better protect youth from abuse. This new measure is a continuation of this commitment by the BSA to prevent abuse in our program and adds a new layer of protection for our Scouts.

Q: What is an adult fee required position?
A: Adults may select from the list below of adult leader position options provided in the “Registration Guidebook of the Boy Scouts of America” that is available for their unit, district or council position. For example, registration as a Merit Badge Counselor, Lion Cub Partner, Tiger Partner does not meet this requirement.

Q: An Arrow of Light den is camping with a troop for their Scouting Adventure pin. Do all the adults need to be registered?
A: Parents who are attending with their Arrow of Light Scout do not have to register and will camp alongside their den. Reminder the den must still have registered two-deep leadership. All adults camping with the troop must be registered.

Q: A Cub Scout pack is having their unit campout. A grandpa wants to bring his grandson to the pack campout because the Scout’s parents will be out of town. Does grandpa have to register?
A:Yes. The Cub Scout exception is limited to a parent or legal guardian. A grandparent or other family member who is not the legal guardian could attend overnight but must register. Reminder, the Scout and grandpa cannot share the same tent.

Q: Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse states “All aspects of the Scouting program are open to observation by parents and leaders.” Does this update change that policy?
A: No – Parents are still able to attend any program within Scouting; however, to observe programs and stay overnight, they must register with the BSA.

Q: A merit badge counselor wants to attend a troop overnight activity. Can they?
A: Maybe. Merit Badge Counselor is a council position that would require another multiple registration from the list of approved positions. An adult registered only as a merit badge counselor would not qualify. Reminder – only adults registered in one of the positions on the approved list of “fee required positions” may stay overnight.

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