Membership Registration and Insurance Fee Increase

Over the last few months, we have seen the Scouting community come together, even while physically apart, to bring solutions, relief and comfort to those in need. From making masks to supporting food banks, Scouting has been a vital partner for our communities.

The value of Scouting is undeniable for those within the program and the greater public.  We are committed to continuing to offer this unmatched opportunity to young people and families in the Silicon Valley and Monterey Bay area.

The National Council of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has worked to keep the membership fee as low as possible. Unfortunately, operating costs have continued to rise and COVID-19 has compounded the need to increase the fee to maintain the program.

To ensure Scouting has the resources to fulfill the promise of its mission, the updated national membership fees and local council insurance fee will be:

  • $78 ($66 Registration + $12 Insurance Fee) for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts participants
  • $54 ($42 Registration + $12 Insurance Fee) for Exploring participants
  • $54 ($42 Registration + $12 Insurance Fee) for all adult volunteers (includes cost of background check)
  • $75 per unit charter fee

The new fees will take effect August 1, 2020 for new members in the 2020-2021 program year. Units whose current charter expires on or after December 31st, 2020 will realize the fee increase for renewing members on their recharter this December. The updated unit charter fee will take effect August 1, 2020, for all new units and for rechartering units this December. 

Starting August 1, 2020, there will also be a one-time $25 joining fee for new program participants in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts; however, there is no joining fee for Exploring participants, participants previously registered in any BSA program, those transferring from one program to another, council-paid memberships, or adult volunteers.

For more information on the National Council Membership Fees, please visit the FAQ page on the National website. You can also download and share this infographic that highlights the changes:

Finally, we would like to thank you for your patience regarding this issue and we thank you for being a part of our Scouting family. 


Phil DeCocco                            Carmen Fuller                           Jason Stein
Council President                   Council Commissioner             Scout Executive

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