Incident Reporting

An often overlooked, but extremely important element of any Scout activity when something goes wrong.

is an incident?

Any unplanned event that results in harm to an individual, property or the environment.


WHY report?

It is important that we (BSA) sustain the safe operation of our programs and promote continuous improvement.

  • Information is valuable in preventing reoccurrences of similar incidents.
  • Facts are critical to allowing response in an appropriate manner, and to help properly manage potential claims (insurance and litigation).


WHEN is a report necessary?

A report must be made any time the incident requires the intervention of medical personnel, involves emergency responders, or results in a response beyond Scout-rendered first aid. It is also required if there is a vehicle accident, theft, or damage to property.

Click here for a decision tree on reporting


WHO completes the report?

The event leader or designee should gather all the facts and complete the report.


HOW to report?

Complete, as thoroughly as possible, the BSA INCIDENT INFORMATION REPORT (form 680-10 2011 (or later)).  NOTE: If the incident involves a fatality, hospitalization for life-threatening or critical injury, allegation of sexual misconduct, or victimization of a Scout, damage in excess of $1 million, expected litigation or potential for national media attention, the council Scout executive must be notified immediately.

Click here to download the fillable form.

Click here to report online

Serious incidents include, but may not be limited to: o Sexual or physical abuse (after ensuring the victim is cared for and reporting to law enforcement) o Fatalities o Potentially life-threatening injuries (e.g., any amputation, brain injury, loss of sight, paralysis, etc.) or requiring air-ambulance transportation o Accidents resulting in the hospitalization of three or more people o Communicable disease outbreaks (e.g., measles, norovirus, etc.) o Mass casualties (10 or more people who are injured or sick at a Scouting activity) o Explosions or events resulting in significant damage to property o Incidents where media attention is anticipated • An incident report on Serious Incidents must be submitted through the online reporting system within 24 hours – Incident Reporting

Less-Serious Medical Treatment and Incident Reporting Requirements- NEW (Report Within 72 hours) • Less-serious medical incidents are those occurring in connection with Scouting activities, including travel to or from the activity, requiring medical treatment beyond Scout-given first aid. • Any incident where an Accident or Sickness Claim (e.g. HSR) can be filed fits into this category. • Reports on Less-Serious Medical Treatment Incidents must be submitted through the online reporting system within 72 hours – Incident Reporting

Other incidents and Near Misses
• Should be reported in accordance with published guidelines at Incident Reporting
• Online reporting is available 24/7/365


WHERE to report?

Return the completed form to the Council staff member responsible for entry into Risk Console. It can either be delivered by hand to Michael Wilson at the Council Center or emailed, as an attachment, to him at

Click here to report online


This reporting procedure does not supersede reporting requirements for specific programs, reporting required by law, BSA Youth Protection reporting requirements, or BSA reporting requirements to OSHA.


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