Quicksilver District Commissioner Meeting
Zoom1st Wednesday of every month online. Please email a request for the login information.
1st Wednesday of every month online. Please email a request for the login information.
This meeting takes place the first Thursday of every month at 6:30. It is held at the Monterey Elks Lodge: 150 Mar Vista Dr, Monterey. Please go to the building on the right of the main entrance. This meeting is organized by: Santa Lucia District Chair: Steve Cardinalli, stevec@netwiz.net Santa […]
An online training session that teaches scouts and adults basic skills related to cold weather camping so they are better prepared to teach others, in their home unit, on what to expect. This includes keeping warm, dry and safe in cold weather and hopefully snow. Indoor Session are offered three […]
A monthly meeting for District Commissioners to discuss unit service, commissioning, and all things Scouting. The Pioneer District Commissioners meet on the second Wednesday of each month from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Meetings are held via Zoom and/or in person. Reach out to Alex.Parks@scouting.org or bizzyizzy2000@yahoo.com for the link […]
The Quicksilver District Committee Meeting is held the 1st Tuesday of every month. It is held online as a Zoom meeting. Please email for login information.
Quicksilver holds it District Commissioner Meeting for Unit Commissioners the 1st Wednesday of every month via Zoom. Please email request for the link.
The Polaris DCM takes place both in-person and on Zoom the first Wednesday of each month from 7:30-9:00pm. The last month of each quarter, the meeting is held only in-person. Please reach out to Robertsen Ku (robertsen.bsa@gmail.com) for the zoom link and meeting address.
Most roundtables are conducted on Zoom. We try to have an in-person meeting on March, June, and September.
A monthly meeting for District Commissioners to discuss unit service, commissioning, and all things Scouting. The Pioneer District Commissioners meet on the second Wednesday of each month from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Meetings are held via Zoom and/or in person. Reach out to Alex.Parks@scouting.org or bizzyizzy2000@yahoo.com for the link […]
Loma Prieta Scouters, We are excited to welcome you to our District Committee. YOU can make a difference in your scouts, unit and your community scouting experience! Get involved on the District Committee level, and become part of the steering force to bring better program to more youth. You can […]
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