BSA Restructuring Notifications

Information on the Restructuring & Notifications

The National Council of the Boy Scouts of America on February 18, 2020 announced that the national organization has filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code to achieve two key objectives: equitably compensate victims who were harmed during their time in Scouting and continue carrying out its mission for years to come. The BSA intends to use the Chapter 11 process to create a Victims Compensation Trust that would provide equitable compensation to victims.

As part of this bankruptcy process the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and the committees representing survivors of past abuse in Scouting and unsecured creditors have agreed on a bar date of November 16, 2020, creating a window for victims of abuse to file claims in the BSA’s bankruptcy case. The BSA is committed to compensating victims through its restructuring and this is an important milestone in meeting that imperative. The bar date sets a clear timeline for victims to come forward and later seek compensation from the BSA’s proposed compensation trust. The BSA encourages all victims to file a claim and are providing extensive noticing to ensure that there is a clear process for them to do so. Families and others with connections to Scouting will receive these notices. We encourage recipients to follow the instructions of these notices.

For questions regarding the BSA Bankruptcy please visit  

Inquiries About BSA Programs


Questions About the Restructuring and Filing a Claim


For Access to Anonymous Online Counseling for Victims of Past Abuse in Scouting

Reporting Suspicions of Abuse in Scouting

If you are a survivor of abuse, you should immediately contact the police to report the abuse. We also encourage you to contact the BSA. 


Media Inquiries

For Help Accessing In-Person Counseling for Victims of Past Abuse in Scouting


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