
Events & Activities in this District

Loma Prieta District

Loma Prieta District serves Santa Cruz County.

Loma Prieta District has 33 Scouting units, serving more than 500 youth members who are supported by over 250 Volunteer leaders. We are proud of the 20 youth who made Eagle in 2023!

If you live in any of the areas covered by Loma Prieta District and you would like to get information on joining any of our programs, or participating on the district team, please reach out to any of our leadership team listed below.

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District Leadership

District Executive

Amanda Shaw

The District Executive is a Professional (Career) Scouter who gives full-time leadership and guidance through a team of volunteers to build community partnerships to support program delivery, membership growth and financial support for Scouting units in the defined district geography.

District Chair

Trina Coffman-Gomez

The District Chairperson is a district level volunteer who functions as a Key 3 Leader in partnership with the DE and District Commission to provide overall vision and leadership in the areas of Membership, Finance and Program to carry out the objectives of Scouting.

District Commissioner

James von Schmacht

The District Commissioner is a Volunteer member of the District Key 3 who provides leadership to support the integrity of the Scouting Program. The District Commission teams up with Unit Commissioners, a team of volunteers responsible for supporting the health of our district Cub Scout Packs, Scouts BSA Troops, and Venture Crews, to support unit level volunteers to do their scouts best in ensuring the best quality scouting program for our children and youth.

Our District Commissioner is actively recruiting NEW Unit Commissioners to serve on our District Commissioners Corps.

Advancement Chair

Karen Dyck
Responsible to the program chair for promoting the advancement plan to units, providing training in the advancement plan to district personnel, and providing meaningful reports on advancement.

Activities Committee

Jon Day

Plans and hosts district programs and activities, such as District Advancement Day, District MB Pow Wow, Cubs in the Woods, Camporee, District Dinner, etc.

Roundtable Commissioner

Bill Kiff
Working closely with the District Executive and District Commissioner, the Roundtable Chair coordinates the Districts monthly Roundtable Event, creates an annual Roundtable calendar, monthly roundtable agenda, presents, recruits guest presenters, coordinates presentations, shares out information about roundtable to district scouters via email, district FaceBook page, and phone calls.

Vice Chair, Program

Responsible to the district chair for recruiting and building an organization of volunteers to strengthen and enrich unit program by overseeing the district’s program function and supporting the work of the district program volunteers.

Vice Chairs, Membership

Responsible to the district chair to recruit and build a volunteer committee structure to ensure steady, balanced, membership growth throughout the district, paying particular attention to areas of special need, while maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with chartered organizations and other community and youth-serving groups within the district’s territory.

Cub Camp Directors

Mike Heinecke

Develops and directs the district’s Cub Scout Adventure Days program.

Pinewood Derby Chair

Theo Diamantopoulos

Plans and hosts the annual Cub Scout District Pinewood Derby.

Popcorn Kernel

Working closely with the council popcorn kernel, responsible to the district fund development chair for building an organization of district and unit kernels who can promote the annual Trail’s End Popcorn sale at the unit level. The annual popcorn sale represents the single largest fundraising project for units and is a major funding stream for the council. Organization of a volunteer-driven sale is a critical element to the continued growth and success of the sale.

Training Chair

Betsey Crandall
Responsible to the program chair for the training of district volunteers at all levels (unit, district) by coordinating the efforts of the district training committee and maintaining the high standards for all training courses offered. Training is one of the critical issues to developing and conducting quality programs at all levels.

OA Advisor

Advises the local Order of the Arrow chapter.

Vice Chair, Finance

Responsible to the district fund development chair for building an organization capable of soliciting sufficient donors to successfully reach the district’s Friends of Scouting goal within the established campaign timetable. Ensure annual participation by top-level individual, business, and corporate donors and district goal attainment.

Cub Scout Advancement Chair

Betsey Crandall

Vice Chairs, Marketing

Anne Cassell


Vice Chair, Camping

Ciro Milazzo

Spring Recruitment Chair

Working closely with the District Vice Chair of Membership, the Spring Recruitment Chair assists units by coordinating Spring Recruitment Events.

Fall Recruitment Chair


Working closely with the District Vice Chair of Membership, the Fall Recruitment Chair assists units by coordinating Fall Recruitment Events.

Scouting for Food Chair

Chris Garcia

District Resources

District Roundtable –  in person at the Boys and Girls Club, Downtown Santa Cruz.

When: 3rd Thursday of every month. Give us an hour and a half and we will save you much more than that each month planning den meetings, pack meetings and more! Please view the Upcoming Events list at the top of the page for more information.

District Committee Meeting – Our District Committee meets monthly via in person and videoconference on the 2nd Thursday of each month. If you are interested in joining the District Committee and playing a vital role in supporting the Scouting Movement, please email Trina Coffman-Gomez at integrity_lending@yahoo.com

District Commissioners’ Conference – Our District’s Commissioners’ Corps meets together with the District Committee. If you are interested in becoming a Unit Commissioner, please email James von Schmacht at  vonschmacht@gmail.com

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