Quicksilver Roundtable
ZoomMost roundtables are conducted on Zoom. We try to have an in-person meeting on March, June, and September.
Most roundtables are conducted on Zoom. We try to have an in-person meeting on March, June, and September.
A monthly meeting for District Commissioners to discuss unit service, commissioning, and all things Scouting. The Pioneer District Commissioners meet on the second Wednesday of each month from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Meetings are held via Zoom and/or in person. Reach out to Alex.Parks@scouting.org or bizzyizzy2000@yahoo.com for the link […]
Loma Prieta Scouters, We are excited to welcome you to our District Committee. YOU can make a difference in your scouts, unit and your community scouting experience! Get involved on the District Committee level, and become part of the steering force to bring better program to more youth. You can […]
Roundtable is an important part of commissioner service. Roundtables support unit leaders through delivering effective program ideas, relationship development, and timely communication. Roundtables also provide an opportunity for sharing experiences and enjoying fun and fellowship with other leaders. Meetings are held in person on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 7:30 pm to […]
Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council cordially invites you to attend the 2024 Basic Scout Leadership Training (BSLT) in Chinese. The training consists of a SM/ASM specific (SMS) and an Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) courses. By completing both courses, you will be certified as a “Trained” adult leader, […]
Join us at the Boys and Girls Club in Downtown Santa Cruz or on Zoom. https://svmbc-org.zoom.us/j/84603169984?pwd=Yit1bXlkMEVYQ1c2UkhmcERUd1ZLdz09
An interactive course to teach basic first aid and CPR with AED. Designed for Scoutmasters, ASM’s and scouters. Minimum is 14 years of age. For Scouts with rank of First Class, first aid merit badge, and scoutmaster approval. For Venturers active in a crew. A course booklet will be provided […]
An interactive course to teach basic first aid and CPR with AED. Designed for Scoutmasters, ASM’s and scouters. Minimum is 14 years of age. For Scouts with rank of First Class, first aid merit badge, and scoutmaster approval. For Venturers active in a crew. A course booklet will be provided […]
Join us for a morning or afternoon of archery, air-powered BB, or slingshot for Cub Scouts! WHAT: This fun-filled day will teach safety and proper air-powered BB, archery, and slingshot shooting techniques as well as give Tigers through Webelos an opportunity to focus on their Rank Specific Shooting Sports […]
The Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council, BSA is Central California’s largest private youth-serving organization with more than 9,000 active Scouts and 4,000 adult volunteers serving 3 million residents in Monterey, San Benito, Santa Cruz, and Santa Clara counties. For two decades we have had the honor to recognize an outstanding […]
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