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CalNeva Level II B Climbing instructor training

May 30 @ 6:00 pm - June 1 @ 5:00 pm

Registration is open – see link at bottom

To train and certify BSA climbing instructors. The BSA requires two certified BSA climbing instructors for units to hold their own climbing events, one who needs to be a Level II instructor.  Level II-B will certify instructors for BSA walls and top roping using fixed anchors and/or natural anchor points (trees/boulders)

Overview: Although climbing has its risks, the BSA utilizes Climb On Safely and BSA climbing instructor training so that we have fun and safe climbing. BSA Climbing is based on the Belay On climbing manual used by COPE and Climbing.

Who can attend:  This course is being offered by Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council on behalf of the Cal-Neva Climbing Collaboration.  The course uses Belay On as the foundation for instruction and conforms with NCAP standard SQ-409.  You must be a Scouter from a Cal-Neva Climbing Collaboration council to attend the training.  Current collaboration members are Silicon Valley Monterey Bay, Golden Empire, Golden Gate Area, Redwood Empire, Marin, Greater Yosemite, Pacific Skyline , Sequoia and Piedmont Councils

Note:  If you are planning to work at a summer camp,  this course qualifies as required training to be a Climbing Director at any of the council camps in the collaboration.


  • You must be at least 21 years of age to be certified as Level 2.  (If you are 18-20 you can qualify as Level I (note those 21 and over will be given priority for course registration))
  • Level I instructor or equivalent Climbing experience
  • Be registered with the BSA in one of the Cal-Neva member councils
  • Current with YPT
  • Have a BSA Medical form parts A, B and C
  • Meet the BMI chart in part C of the medical form at the time of the course.

Class size:

  • For Level 2-B Training: Class size is limited to 20 participants

Successfully completing the course:  Please note that attendance alone does not guarantee certification:  Participants will receive an evaluation and given a final examination.  These will be used to certify either Level I, Level 2-A and  Level 2-B (Level 2-C certifications will require an additional 1 day course). Certifications for Level 2 are valid for 3 years from the course completion date and Certifications for Level I are valid for 1 year,.

Certification descriptions

  • Level 2 certification is divided into Grades A through C.
  • o   Grade A certifies instructors for indoor facility and any engineered climbing (climbing walls.) This course requires 20 hours of classwork.
  • o   Grade B certifies instructors for sites using natural anchors (i.e., boulders or trees) or climbing bolts installed by qualified individuals. This course requires 30 hours of classwork.
  • o   Grade C certifies instructors for sites where protective gear (nuts, stops, cams, blocks, etc.) must be used to create one or more top rope anchors. ( this is an additional one day course – requires successful completion of Level 2-B course.  We will offer this after the Level 2-B class)
  • Level I Instructors are climbing instructors ages 18 -20 and those 21 and older that did not receive Level 2 certification but met all other requirements for the course.

Where:  Chesebrough Scout Reservation with field trip to Castle Rock. Chesebrough is located at 26005 Big Basin Way, Los Gatos, CA 95033.  Camping will be available at Chesebrough.

When:   Level 2-B course will be held May 30-June 2,  2025 (Friday evening to Sunday afternoon)

  • Check-in: 6 to 7 PM. (Instruction will start at 7PM., You can arrive prior to check-in to set up your tent.  (dinner not provided.  Bring a sack dinner or eat prior to arrival)
  • Check-out: Our target is to be completed by 5 PM on Sunday.
  • Meals:  Meals will be provided except for Friday night.

Cost:     $150

Course Format:

We will have an online orientation session prior to the start of the course. There will some online sessions, in-person class sessions and outdoor sessions at the climbing wall and a field trip for segments such as site selection, anchoring, etc.

Equipment will be provided, but you can bring your own helmet, harness and shoes if they meet UIAA Standards.


More details will be provided prior to the course.  Every online session must be completed prior to the October 13th, or you will not be allowed to participate.

For questions, please contact climbing@SVMBC.org

Registration Here




May 30 @ 6:00 pm
June 1 @ 5:00 pm
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SVMBC Climbing Committee


Chesebrough Scout Reservation
26005 Highway 9
Boulder Creek, CA 95006 United States
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