
San Benito District

San Benito District serves the communities of Hollister and San Juan Bautista and all of San Benito County.

San Benito District has 11 Scouting units, serving 300 youth members, served by 100 of the best Volunteer leaders. We are proud of the 13 youth who earned the Eagle Scout award last year. 

If you live in any part of San Benito District and you would like to get information on joining any of our programs, or participating on the district team,  please reach out to any of our leadership team listed below.

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District Leadership

Linda Diamantopoulos

District Executive

Linda Diamantopoulos

Professional (Career) Scouter who gives full-time leadership and guidance through a team of volunteers to build community partnerships to support program delivery, membership growth and financial support for Scouting units in the defined district geography.

District Chair

Kristy Burchard

Volunteer member of the District Key 3 who gives leadership to the District Committee, a team of volunteers responsible for finance, membership, and program delivery for Scouting units in the geographic designation of the district. 

District Commissioner

Ed Escamilla

Volunteer member of the District Key 3 who gives leadership to the Commissioner Staff, a team of volunteers responsible for supporting the health of the Cub Scout pack, Scouts BSA troops, and Venture Crews in the district. 

Vice Chair, Admin

Mary Damm

Responsible for community networking and recruiting new committee members.

Vice Chair, Membership

Ella Henson

Responsible for recruiting youth and starting new Scouting units.

Vice Chair, Finance

Andrew Shelton

Leads fundraising efforts, including the Friends of Scouting and product sale campaigns.

Vice Chair, Program


Guides the chairs that plan district activities and supports various unit program functions.

Activities Chair


Plans and hosts district programs and activities.

Advancement Chair

Mary Damm

Supports and promotes youth advancement in units, including the Eagle Scout process.

Camping Chair

Ken Weatherly

Encourages units to plan a robust outdoor program and promotes summer camp.

Cub Camp Director

Chris Dunn

Develops and directs the district’s Cub Scout Day Camp program.

OA Advisor

Craig Leighty

Advises the local Order of the Arrow chapter.

Visit The Saklan Home Page Here

Scout O Rama Card Sales Chair

Pam Brister

Contacts units and supplies Scout O Rama Cards for the spring fundraiser.

Popcorn Kernel


Supports units in the annual popcorn sale.

Roundtable Commissioner


Plans and leads the monthly Roundtable meeting.

Scouting for Food Chair


Organizes the annual Scouting for Food community service project.

Training Chair

Mel Tolentino

Trains unit volunteers and youth to successfully administer their positions.

District Resources

District Committee Meeting and Roundtable: We have returned to normal in-person meetings. Please contact Linda at Linda.Diamantopoulos@scouting.org to be added to the invitation list. Please view the Upcoming Events list at the top of the page for more information.

District Committee Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month, 6:00 pm, Hazel Hawkins Hospital, Admin Building, 2nd floor.

District Commissioner Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month, 6:00 pm, Veterans Building, downtown Hollister.

Roundtable Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month, 7:00 pm, Veterans Building, downtown Hollister.

Special Committees

Wapple Frazier Committee- Arnie Fontes


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