Career Exploring

Exploring brings business and community leaders together to help young people reach their full potential.  Exploring offers teens and young adults unique, hands-on experiences in an environment that develops leadership, character, and confidence through many immersive and empowering moments. Learn more at To find Exploring near you, click below.

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Network with electrical engineers, mechanical engineers and computer scientists who currently work in these fields.  Speaker nights, design nights, hands-on projects, tours and field trips.

Health Care

Take vital signs, evaluate an X-ray for broken bones, suture, guest speakers, tours, physician and nurse shadowing, CPR & First-Aid certification, UC Davis symposium field trips and volunteer in the medical field.

Fire & EMS

Experience firsthand what it’s like to be a volunteer or full-time Fire Fighter through training, ride along during actual fire calls, competition and Fire Academy.

Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement Explorer Academy, classroom training, ride along in police vehicles, state-wide competitions and community service hours.

Santa Clara County Programs

Engineering & Technology

Fire & EMS

Health Care

Law Enforcement

Santa Cruz County Program


Law Enforcement

San Benito County Programs

Fire & EMS

Law Enforcement


Monterey County Programs

Health Care

Fire & EMS (coming to Salinas)

Law Enforcement

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