Our secret agents have been sluething the very best ways to make all Scouting adventures possible.
They found the answer in a bag of popcorn! They also found prizes, scholarships and commission.
Your Scouts can find this too by participating in the Fall Trail’s End Popcorn Sale!
Sign up at the Trail’s End Website
Pop Rocks- All the Popcorn News that's fit to Pop!
Now that Popcorn is over, how do I close it out?
Get your Unit’s Money: Inside the Leader Portal, go to Account Summary. Verity your banking information and Click Request Payout. Trails End will send your profit to your bank account.
No, Trail’s End does not send checks for available payouts. If you have questions about finding your EIN/TIN, please email support@trails-end.com and they can assist. Please also note that adding your bank account is optional. You can always leave the funds there to pay down a future popcorn invoice.
Submit your Trails End Rewards for your Scouts: Two qualifications must be met before you can submit your Rewards order:
- Scout sales total cannot exceed retail value of unit orders and online sales.
- Popcorn invoice statement paid in full to council
- Finalize Scout Sale Amounts: Review totals and make sure they are correct
- Review Final Amounts, Tiers, and Rewards Earned: Go to Rewards page from left navigation menu
- Click Submit
Our Scouts exceeded $1million in Popcorn Sales!
We are proud to share that our Scouts exceeded $1million in Popcorn Sales! Through leadership of Council Popcorn General Faroogh Quadri, who guided our District Popcorn ‘Kernels’, and much hard work and determination from thousands of Scouts, our “pop per pound” was 29% higher than 2019! We project some more upward movement of the current total, however as of October 31, 2022:
- 10/31/19: 12918 youth and sales of $1,130,319 or $87.50 per Scout
- 10/31/22: 8962 youth and sales of $1,010,000 or $112.70 per Scout
Some units receive as high as 37% commission, and our own Polaris Pack 415 is in the TOP 10 nationwide! (Please see snip of the National report below at Rank 6.)
Please join us in recognizing Popcorn General Quadri for her leadership and for the hard work of Staff Advisor Steve Solberg and the whole Popcorn Team!
3x Points per $1.00 Sold!
This is a big week in popcorn. All the unit Kernels out there are reminded of the following milestones in the immediate future:
Take Order Sale
Place your order for the Take Order sale in the Trails End System by midnight on Friday, October 14. This is your opportunity to order more White Cheddar as well as the much anticipated Chocolate Pretzels. Log into your leader portal at trails-end.com and click Place Order at the top of the page. These orders will be ready for distribution November 3.
This is also where you enter all the American Heroes donations! Please note that all American Heroes donations must be recorded in Take Order.
Online Sales is not over
There is still plenty of time to increase your Unit Sales and Scouts’ sales… and qualify for the Big Spin! Have you tried the Autoshare feature?
Commissions Updates
All unit commissions will be updated between Monday October 17 and Wednesday October 19 so units may settle their unit accounts by Friday October 21.
Chocolate Pretzel Deadline
October 14 is the deadline to enter into the Trails End system your orders for Chocolate Pretzels, any Take Order Items, and your American Heroes/ Military Donations. You must record in the TE system all cash donations received at your storefronts as American Heros/ Military donations.
Warehouse hours (for both warehouses) have changed to 4-6 pm
With reduced traffic and earlier sunset we have adjusted our times to better respect our staff’s time.
Commission Update
As a reminder, Commission will be updated in the system November 1 after we do the math.
Popcorn’s Seventh Inning Stretch Special October Offer
Popcorn Kernels the game isn’t over- popcorn has at least three weeks to go. Because we have lots of inventory we have a Special Offer.
For every additional case of popcorn you take to sell starting Thursday September 29 we will give your unit an additional $20 commission!!! Here are the details:
- Offer good on cases we have in stock
- All cases that have multiple containers inside-
- not the Kettle and White Cheddar which is such a “big” item it counts as a case by itself.
- Does not apply to Chocolate Pretzels
- In this offer cases are not returnable once checked out.
- While supplies last
- Your other commission rate will apply after the November 1 calculations are made.
- Extra $20 commission will be deposited into your unit account on 12/1/22 after your account is paid in full
SVMBC has two units in the Nation’s top 20 score
As of Monday morning, Trails End reports that Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council has two units that rank in the top 20 selling units in the country. See the chart below.
Online Sales Promotion from Trail’s End
Online sales continue to prove a safe and effective way for Scouts to sell popcorn. Trail’s End is reducing the free shipping threshold to $55. And shipping costs now reduced to $9.99* on orders less than $55.
Effective Monday, September 19th at 8:00PM ET through Monday, October 3rd at 8:00PM ET. Don’t miss out, start sharing today!
Tips from successful Online Direct Scouts!
- Make a direct sales pitch over the phone, through email, text message and direct message on social media. For better results, create a video of the Scout’s sales pitch and send it directly (not in a group message).
- Sell door to door using the Trail's End App and let Trail's End ship the product to your customers.
- Create a Facebook event for the duration of the promotion and invite friends to join and comment in the event after they’ve made a purchase.
- Try the 50-state challenge where a Scout tries to get sales from all 50 states. Successful Scouts tag friends and family on social media around the country and encourage them to share to help extend their social reach.
- Share multiple times a week throughout the promotion so posts are always at the top of your friend's social media feeds.
*Extra charges and exclusions may apply.
Online Sales- It’s not too late
Even though the popcorn sales have begun, it’s not too late to sell online. Did you know that online sales continue throughout the year? Your unit can still start now and earn 30% of sales as commission- without delivering product, handling money, or breaking a sweat. If your unit needs help getting started selling online contact Evgenia Mirfild at Evgenia.Mirfild@Scouting.org
Amnesty day – September 22nd
If your sales didn’t go as well as you planned, you can return all and any unwanted popcorn this Thursday, please come as early as possible before 5:30 pm, so we can make your unwanted popcorn available to other units. Product must be unopened and in RESSELLABLE condition!
If you are planning to pick up from Salinas office, please email Evgenia Mirfild at Evgenia.Mirfild@scouting.org your ETA.
Online Sales Growing
Online sales continue to prove a safe and effective way for Scouts to sell popcorn. This week the council passed the $63,000 in online sales mark. The council is led by Troop 286 who is second highest unit in the nation having sold over $36,000 themselves! The council’s success in online sales has been fueled by the Daily Secret Agent promotion. Almost 300 scouts have had an online sale. Our 5 top online selling Scouts are now closing in on $7,200. There are 10 Scouts who have sold over $3,000 online.
Need More for storefront sales - See you Thursdays
If your storefront sales are going better than expected, please come by the warehouse closest to you and get what you need. No need to pre order or even set an appointment
Amnesty Day
Remember that the day to return any unwanted popcorn without any penalties is September 22nd! Return boxes or individual bag. Returned product has to be in RESELLABLE condition, damaged product will not be accepted. After September 22nd no more than 10% of original order will be accepted.
Need More for storefront sales - See you Thursdays
If your storefront sales are going better than expected, please come by the warehouse closest to you and get what you need. No need to pre order or even set an appointment. Warehouses are open on Thursdays, from 3pm till 7pm on:
- September 1st
- September 8th
- September 15th
- September 22nd
- September 29th
- October 6th
Here are some of the best ways to sell your popcorn:
- Door to Door “Wagon Sales”
One of the most effective sales methods! In this case, a unit signs out popcorn to a Scout who takes it throughout their neighborhood, selling as he goes. Product is brought along (in wagon or vehicle), making it a quick and easy process for the customer. So, it is like a mobile show & sell booth. A large percentage of homeowners say that no Scout has ever come to their door, missing this great opportunity. If the desired product is not on hand, an order can be taken, and product delivered later.
- Super Triangle
Have your Scouts complete the SUPER TRIANGLE! The SUPER TRIANGLE is the 15 neighbors that surround their home. Make a triangle from your home by selling to the first 4 neighbors down, cross the street and sell to 7 houses back toward your home, cross back to your side of the street and stop by 4 neighbors on your way back home. Find a simple prize to encourage your Scouts. We’ve seen tremendous success from units who just have each Scout do this simple task.
- Neighborhood Blitz
A Blitz Day is an organized day for a group of Scouts to go out selling in a specific area together. Scouts have fun with their friends as they travel to a neighborhood. A neighborhood can be covered very quickly with several Scouts each going door to door.
- Storefront Sales
This type of Show & Sell is a lot like an “old school” lemonade stand. Your unit gets permission to have a booth in a high visibility area, and your Scouts sell actual popcorn product there on the spot. This method has been highly effective for many units. A unit can plan a Show & Sell day and split Scouts/families into shifts so that everyone takes a turn.
- Fun Fact - 6+ Hour Seller
The average Scout will cover their costs for the year if they sell approximately 6 hours. That’s just 3 storefront shifts or a few trips around the neighborhood.
How to EFFECTIVELY Sell Popcorn Online
Selling popcorn online is easy because you don’t handle product or money. It’s also safe from Covid. If this is the best method for you and your family, here are some pointers on how to maximize your time.
- Once your Scout’s Trails End (TE) page is set up you can choose to send emails or texts from within the account to friends and family. New this year, you can also grant the app on a smart phone access to your contact list, and it will automatically send messages to everyone. This automaton can be customized to once, every week, or every month. One drawback from this method is that messages come from Trails End, not your family.
- You can also take your Scout’s unique TE code and use it to craft personal emails and include the code and a link to the TE website to order. This is good because you can personalize everything and send to who you want. Because the email comes from you and your family it is more likely to be opened and elicit a positive response—sale.
- Door Hangers. You can also print your Scout’s code and the TE Web Address on a customized door hanger or flyer. The flyer is then handed out to neighbors. They can order at their leisure and know that they are supporting a Scout in their neighborhood.
Selling popcorn online is easy, but not picking money off a tree. Like any project the more time and effort you put into it, the greater payoff you will get. Remember to go back to friends and family again and again, and say thank you when someone helps you earn your way through Scouting.
How to set up your Bank Account
One of the first things a unit will need to do if they are new to selling popcorn is set up their bank account in the system so they “get their money”. In the Leader Portal at trails-end.com, click on the Unit Info account and then on Manage Unit W9 Information and Manage Unit Bank Account. In both spots unit leaders will need to enter the necessary information to connect their Unit’s Popcorn Account with Trails End to their bank. At the end of the season, when your unit has a credit, you can request a payout to your bank account.
Trails End has a training video so you can learn online. In their Youtube video, the section about W9s and Bank accounts starts at the 6:40 time mark in the 24 minute video.
Upcoming Dates
August 26 – First Popcorn Distribution! If you haven’t done so yet, signup here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4AAEA62DA0F9CF8-popcorn
Weekly popcorn distributions:
- September 1st
- September 8th
- September 15th
- September 22nd
Location: San Jose Warehouse - 1401 Parkmoor Ave, San Jose, CA 95126
If your unit is in San Benito, Monterey, southern Santa Cruz counties then you will pick up from the Salinas warehouse. The Salinas warehouse is located at 919 N Main St, Salinas, CA 93906. Hours are from 2:00 pm-6:00 pm. There is no appointment necessary for the Salinas warehouse.
A separate arrangement has been made for the units in Hollister. We will be confirming with the Hollister Units the delivery of their orders. Please stay tuned!
A technical issue has been reported from the Trail’s End app. Here is the error memo from Trails End:
We are sorry for the problems and frustrations we caused you this past weekend. Our service, speed, and reliability clearly did not meet your expectations or ours. By this Friday, August 19th, we will resolve the issues by significantly increasing capacity and making some changes in updating of data and reporting. We have simply tried to do too much in real time during your busiest selling times. Your Units and Scouts will be able to make and transact sales quickly (as they define it) and without interruption...every time. We will keep you informed this week of our progress. Additionally, to say we're sorry for our issues this past weekend, we will do the following:
- For all cash sales on the TE App through Sunday, August 14th, 2022, will receive an additional .25 bonus per $1 sold. Making these sales equivalent to the 1.25 points awarded for credit card sales. The points will be applied to Scouts account by this Friday, August 19th.
- For all cash sales on the TE App from Saturday, August 13th, 2022 through Sunday, August 14th, 2022: Units will be credited 3% of their cash sales to compensate them for any credit card fees they incurred. The credit will be processed by this Friday, August 19th.
How to sell over $1,000 in under 8 Hours with Popcorn!
- 5 minutes - Download the Trails End App, register an account if you don’t already have one, and personalize your account. Set a goal, add pictures, and a short bio telling customers why you’re fundraising.
- 10 minutes - Utilize the new Autoshare feature of the Trail’s End App to ask your prior customers and phone contacts to support your adventures again this year. You can choose from one-time, 30-day, 60 day, and 90 day sharing campaigns that includes emails and/or text messages.
- 5 x $65 sales = $325
- 4 hours - Sign up and sell for at least 4 storefront hours in the Trails End App. The average Scout sells over $125/hr. at storefronts.
- 4x $125= $500
- 3 hours - Go door-to-door in your neighborhood, with or without product, and ask your neighbors for their support. Scouts sell $100/hr. on average.
- 3x $100= $300
- 8 hours: $325+$500+300=$1,125. Time well spent!
Trail’s End Webinars - Online Trainings To Make Your Fundraiser A Success
Attend the online Trail's End webinar trainings that helped units grow their fundraiser! Available for all Units Leaders! Have a question or a few? Swing by our Trail's End Popcorn Community Facebook page every Wednesday through November 9th at 7pm and we'll be LIVE to help answer any questions that come through. Open office hours are in addition to the Customer Support email + Social Media platform support outlets provided.
Visit https://www.trails-end.com/webinars to register!
Plan your Popcorn Kickoff and have a Wagon Blitz Day!
Plan your kickoff - Nothing gets your unit’s popcorn sale as energized as a great kickoff. An effective kickoff is best done at a full pack meeting or full Troop meeting - both with parents present. Your event will need to convey the enthusiasm of your commitment as well as the great stuff that will come as a result. Be sure to include details about the popcorn schedule, how much each Scout must sell, and how many hours they are expected to participate at a minimum to achieve their quota. It’s vital that parents know what a successful sale will get them as well as letting Scouts see the prizes they can earn.
The internet is full of great kickoff examples. Check out these favorites:
Host an Awesome Popcorn Kickoff and 2018 Popcorn Kickoff Slides
Organize a Wagon Blitz Day - One of THE BEST ways to sell popcorn is going door to door. A Wagon Blitz Day organizes the whole unit to scour a neighborhood or two. First, pick a day - preferably a Saturday or Sunday. Have your whole unit meet at a certain place to hand out maps and set parameters for the sale. Send One Scout and One Parent out in teams. Conduct a quick training and load the wagons so Scouts have product on hand to complete the transaction. Be sure to have door hangers to leave behind for neighbors who want to order later. The app will give you real-time statistics and sale data. You can reward top selling Scouts with prizes.
The key here is to focus the attention of all your families over a short time. Selling door to door can generate sales of $200 per hour.
Here are a couple of quick videos about how the smart phone app records the sales:
Popcorn - Wagon Sale and Trail's End App Leader Training: Wagon Sales
Order Your Popcorn and Schedule Your Storefronts!
August 5th is the deadline to order popcorn and have it here before Labor Day. To order your unit’s popcorn simply follow these steps:
- Click the “Order Popcorn” button at the top of the page in your Unit’s Trail’s End account, or go to the Popcorn Orders tab and click “Order Popcorn”
- Click the “Choose Delivery” button and choose the order you are placing.
- Enter the quantities that you wish to order in the adjustment column.
- Click "Submit" when you are finished with your order.
- You will receive an order confirmation to your email address once your order is approved by the Council.
Trail's End has created a fair system to allow units to equitably choose storefronts. The claiming schedule for storefronts in Silicon Valley Mont. Bay Council is below:
- Wednesday, July 27th – All Units, 3 Reservations within District
- Thursday, July 28th – All Units, 3 Reservations within District
- Friday, July 29th – All Units, Unlimited Reservations within Council
It's time to start booking storefronts!
Trail's End has partnered with our Council to provide Units with storefront booking by contacting storefronts in your area which you can now claim. As a Kernel, all you will need to do is sign in, sign up, and encourage your Scouts to claim and sell! Storefront process available Friday, July 22nd.
Storefront Claiming Schedule (Picks available at 9 am PST):
Friday, July 22nd - $10K & above Units, 5 Reservations within District
Sunday, July 24th – All Units, 10 Reservations within District
Tuesday, July 26th – All Units, Unlimited Reservations within Council
- View storefronts and sign up (once available) through the TE Unit Leader Portal.
- Once claimed, the storefront day and shift schedule will be added to the TE Unit Leader Portal for you. Sign up for shifts in the Trail’s End App.
- For a full guide, please see the enclosed Storefront Reservation Guide.
*Please do not contact any of the stores listed in the Leader Portal. Trail's End will be responsible for contacting these stores.
Already have time booked at one of the Storefronts listed? Complete the survey and customer support will contact you.
Popcorn Training is underway!
Fund your Scouting adventure with Popcorn! New and returning Unit Kernels should attend both a Trail's End online technology update training webinar AND our own SVMBC Popcorn Kickoff. We will have two classes for New Popcorn Kernels and two classes for Returning Popcorn Kernels. Topics will include how to book your storefront reservation, this year's prize program, as well as the product lineup, commission structure, and more!
The last Trail's End webinar is July 23rd, so hurry and register now!
Want To Know How To Make Your Popcorn Fundraiser A Success?
New and returning Unit Kernels should attend both a Trail's End online training webinar to hear about the Trail's End technology updates and hear directly from other Unit Leaders and Scouts themselves AND our own SVMBC Popcorn Kickoff. We will have two classes for New Popcorn Kernels and two classes for Returning Popcorn Kernels. Topics will include How to claim store reservations, improved prize program, as well as the product lineup and commission structure, and more!
The first Trail's End webinar is July 9th, so hurry and register now!
Popcorn is on the move! It’s time to get started. Here are the first two things in your popcorn “to do” list:
First. Commit Online by June 30 - Units who commit online through the Popcorn Tracker by June 30 will have completed ½ the requirements to get an additional 3% commission in this fall’s Show and Sell/Take Order sales. (The other requirement is to attend one of the Popcorn Kickoff sessions during the July Fall Program Kickoff). Here is the link.
Second. Attend a Trails End Webinar. Trails End has learned that Units who have their Kernel trained end up having a better sale. To that end Trails End has created two sets of Kernel Webinars. One set is for New Kernels and one set if for returning Kernels. Both Sets of webinars have dates for June only. Click the link below and start learning from Trails End how to use their tools to plan and execute an excellent sale.
Scouts can participate in a variety of ways
Online Sales The single, safest way for a Scout to sell popcorn in 2021 is through the Online Direct Sale method. This method eliminates any face-to-face contact with the general public, as well as the risk of handling product or cash.
The Online Direct sale is also the safest and easiest method for units, in that there is no handling of product, since popcorn is shipped directly to consumers, and payment for popcorn is received by credit or debit card at the time of the order.
Show & Sell your den, pack or troop gets permission to sell in front of a retail store or in the local mall. You set up a display with products for people to purchase as they walk by.
Take Order the most traditional way to sell popcorn; going door-to-door with the take order form, which you receive from your leader or council.
Show & Deliver you carry Trail’s End popcorn with you to show to your customers as you visit them. The customer is able to select the products he or she wishes to buy from your product selection.
Corporate This is for savvy Scouts! Selling to businesses is a great market to have big sells. Whether the owner buys popcorn as gifts for their employees, or they allow the popcorn to be sold at the lobby or break room.
If you need more details then just the three steps above, here is a PowerPoint that will help you see how easy it is to get $100 extra per Scout for just sending out 10 emails. It can really add up if 100% of your Scouts participate!
- Tutorial on creation of Online sales – HERE
Sweet & Savory Collection Box
Chocolatey Pretzels*
Salted Caramel Popcorn
Kettle Corn
Unbelievable Butter Microwave
White Cheddar Popcorn
Blazin’ Hot Bag
Popping Corn Jar
Caramel Corn Bag
American Heroes Donation
$45 each / $45 case (1)
$25 each / $300 case (12)
$25 each / $300 case (12)
$25 each / $300 case (12)
$25 each / $150 case (6)
$25 each / $200 case (8)
$25 each / $200 case (8)
$15 each / $180 case (12)
$15 each / $135 case (9)
Any denomination through the App

Order and Sales
June 8 | New Kernel Training- Salinas Office 6:00 pm |
June 11 | New Kernel Training- San Jose Office, 9:00 am |
June 30 | Online Commitment Deadline |
July 18-22 | Popcorn Kickoff/Fall Program Kickoff |
August 5 | Early Bird Orders Due Online |
August 26 | Distribution |
September 1 | Resupply #1 |
September 8 | Resupply #2 |
September 15 | Resupply #3 |
September 22 | Popcorn Resupply #4 and Amnesty Day |
September 29 | Popcorn Resupply #5 |
October 6 | Popcorn Resupply #6 |
October 13 | Popcorn Resupply #7 and Popcorn Return |
October 14 | Final Order (formerly known as Take Order) |
October 20 | Payment due and Scout prizes can be submitted |
October 31 | Online sales scorekeeping ends for prize calculation. |
November 3 | Final order distribution to units |
November 28 | Final Order Payment Due |
December TBA | Top 100 Club Event |
Great Resources
To help plan your pack or troop budget, please use our program planner for troops and annual budget for packs. This calculator will show your sales goal and sales potential.
- Program planning worksheet/budget and Sales goal calculator – HERE
- Ordering Guide for First Time Kernels – HERE
To help with your unit Kickoff, customize this PowerPoint to your units needs and don’t stress out about recreating everything.
- Unit Kickoff PowerPoint – HERE
90% of all the council popcorn information you will need to know is in the Popcorn Unit Guidebook.
Our Council’s website should be your first stop to find the most up to date information on this council’s popcorn sale. The website will list all pertinent dates, contact information, and links to helpful information.
The Trails End Website, trails-end.com, is the next best place to find information on best practices, making the app work right, trails end rewards details, and much more.
Over 200 webinars will be offered this summer and fall for units and Scout parents to learn about the sale. Over 50 webinars are already sold out and we anticipate leaders from over 10,000 units will participate.
Highly successful unit leaders ($50,000+ and multiple years as leaders) and Scout parents will lead these interactive webinars where every question will be answered. Units participating in webinars in 2019 grew 11.2%!
A $20 Amazon.com gift card will be given to the first 5,000 top-selling units (who sold $7,500+ in 2019) who register and participate in a Webinar.
Facebook support is being enhanced in 2020 through the help of 15 successful unit leaders and parents serving as moderators and influencers. Last year, over 18,000 unit leaders and Scout parents utilized the Scout Popcorn Facebook support, and a significant increase in participation is expected this year.

For More Information
Please contact your district kernel, district executive or email popcorn@svmbc.org.
District Kernels, Nandita Sreenivasan- (669) 799-8989, Nandita.Scouting@gmail.com
District Executive, Sierra Boyanich- (408) 638-8334, sierra.boyanich@scouting.org
District Kernel, Erin Nathan- (408) 240-4832, enathan24@gmail.com
Executive Director, Evgenia Mirfild- (408) 638-8372, evgenia.mirfild@scouting.org
District Kernel, Muhammed Jakaku- (669) 237-5287 pioneerpopcorn1@gmail.com
Executive Director, Max Testa- (408) 638-8350, max.testa@scouting.org
District Kernel, Kevin Barlow- (408) 749-0482, keedba@yahoo.com
Storefront Scheduling, Beth Leonard- (408) 530-0554, beth@slimy.com
District Executive, Anthony Pulliam (Interim)- (408) 638-8322, anthony.pulliam@scouting.org
District Kernel, Debbie Stocksick- (408)960-9165
Sr. District Executive, Ken Schott- (408) 638-8328, Ken.Schott@scouting.org
District Kernel, Kristy Burchard- (831) 801-1203, kristykb@charter.net
Field Director, Steve Solberg- (408) 638-8357, steve.solberg@scouting.org
District Kernel, Darcy Fowler- (831) 915-8940, darcy.wilson@att.net
District Director, Marcell Vargas- (408) 638-8334, marcell.vargas@scouting.org
Exploring Kernel, Sreelatha Bokkisam- (650) 576-1468, lathabokkisam@yahoo.com
Exploring Executive, Susan Vinh- (408) 638-8373, susan.vinh@scouting.org
Council General, Faroogh Quadri- (408) 622-8698, councilpopcorngeneral@gmail.com
Field Director, Steve Solberg- (408) 638-8357, steve.solberg@scouting.org

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