
Troop 493 and 466 want to teach you how to make a tripod, one of the classic Scouting skills!

Troop 493 – Making a Tripod from branches

Troop 466 – Making a Tripod from staves

Close up of the lashing

Use three sticks of equal sticks(the stronger the better) to create a tripod lashing structure. This Tripod should be strong enough to hold a pot filled with water, this can be used to boil water over a fire. The material you need for this are three sticks, long rope (thicker the better), and gloves. The gloves are to make sure you don’t get any wood chips inside your skin if the stick isn’t smooth. After you are done making it, it should look this:

Explore art in the wild! Check out art and mural around downtown San Jose following the clues below.

Art Safari Instructions

Art Safari Answers (Just in case)

Get your Scouts Involved for Earth Day

Earth Day is April 22nd and a great way to remind our Scouts of their important role in protecting our planet.
Now’s the perfect opportunity to talk to the members of your unit about doing their part. Below are some activities and crafts to help your Scouts interested and talking about environmental stewardship!

Earth Day Craft & Activities Ideas

Crafts and activities are a great way to start the conversation with your Scouts about many environmental and conservation ideas.

DIY Seed Bombs

 Planting seeds is a wonderful kick-off to spring and summer, and learning how to make seed bombs is a great way to get your planting started. Bonus, you can give these seed bombs as gifts!

Make these DIY seed bombs with simple materials you can pull straight from the recycling bin or use scraps of colored paper.


Bird Feeder

Try this easy cardboard bird feeder for Spring!  Studying nature and natural life is a rewarding science activity to set up for kids, and learning how to care for and give back to nature is equally important.  Make your own super simple bird feeder and add this fun bird watching activity to your kid’s day!


Pollinator Garden

Help save our butterflies and pollinators by planting milkweed in your garden.

 Save our Monarchs has a program to give Scout Units a inexpensive set of seeds to plant. Details here.

Make sure to try to opt for native plants whenever possible!

Planet Protector's Club

Start a Planet Protector’s Club with your Den! The EPA has fun activities to help elementary students learn about environment protection. Details here.

Conservation & Service Project Ideas

Service Projects are a great way to reinforcing the good lessons your scouts are learning with tangible action and results. Here are a few ideas about conservation and service projects to try.

Host a drive to collect e-waste

E-waste is a growing problem in the U.S. and around the world. E-waste represents more than 70% of toxic waste in landfills. So it’s probably not surprising that only 12.5% of e-waste is recycled.

This is an opportunity for your scouts to help raise awareness about this problem within our school and community. Students can research a nearby recycling facility and organize a drive to collect e-waste to help combat this problem in your community. For those in the Bay Area, our local partner Trash Punx can help put on this drive. 

FAQs for 2021 Online Only Courses

These courses are provided by our partner CPR First who is accredited through ESCI to provide Wilderness First Aid and CPR/AED & First Aid. 

When is the deadline to sign up for Wilderness First Aid or CPR and First Aid?
One week prior to the course start date.

All starting dates vary from class.

When will I receive my materials?
You will receive your materials a couple of days before the start of your course via Fed-Ex

How will the course be structured?

Wilderness First Aid and CPR and First Aid/AED are completely online courses.

CPR & First Aid/AED:
This course is taught completely online. A zoom link will be sent 72 hours after signing up

Wilderness First Aid:

You need to first complete an eight-hour wilderness first aid didactic course by following this link: https://www.ecsinstitute.org/scouting-wfa
The cost will be $40. This is a separate price from that of the class.

Once the eight hour online didactic course is completed, then sign up for Wilderness First Aid through the council.

 A zoom link will be sent 72 hours after signing up.

How much does Wilderness First Aid cost?

The skills testing will cost $100. It will include all materials needed for the course. The pre-requisite course from ESCI is an additional $40. 

How much does CPR and First Aid Cost?
CPR and First Aid will cost $90. It will include all materials needed for the course.

Does my course have a skills testing section?
Wilderness First Aid and CPR and First Aid both have skills testing. It is conducted virtually over Zoom.

What is the course structure for CPR and First Aid? 

CPR/First Aid AED will be conducted completely virtually.

Will these courses be accepted at all high adventure bases operated by the BSA?
Yes. ECSI is a partner to the Boy Scouts of America. 

Are scholarships available?

Yes. Please email jamesskinner0@gmail.com for assistance. 

How long will my certifications be valid?

Wilderness First Aid and CPR and First Aid are both two year certifications.

What happens if I lose my certification?

Email your instructor or the council office to get a copy of your certification.

Will my CPR and Wilderness First Aid certification be automatically uploaded to my.scouting.org or scoutbook account?

No, you will need to upload your certification.

Additional Questions?

Please email course director jamesskinner0@gmail.com for assistance. 

I understand that participation in Scouting activities involves the risk of personal injury, including death, due to the physical, mental, and emotional challenges in the activities offered. Information about those activities may be obtained from the venue, activity coordinators, or your local council. I also understand that participation in these activities is entirely voluntary and requires participants to follow instructions and abide by all applicable rules and the standards of conduct.

With appreciation of the dangers and risks associated with programs and activities, on my own behalf and/or on behalf of my child, I hereby fully and completely release and waive any and all claims for personal injury, death, or loss that may arise against the Boy Scouts of America, the local council, the activity coordinators, and all employees, volunteers, related parties, or other organizations associated with Scouting events.

I also hereby assign and grant to Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council, BSA and the Boy Scouts of America, as well as their authorized representatives, the right and permission to use and publish the photographs/film/ videotapes/electronic representations and/or sound recordings made of me or my child at all Scouting activities, and I hereby release the Boy Scouts of America, the local council, the activity coordinators, and all employees, volunteers, related parties, or other organizations associated with the activity from any and all liability from such use and publication. I further authorize the reproduction, sale, copyright, exhibit, broadcast, electronic storage, and/or distribution of said photographs/film/videotapes/electronic representations and/or sound recordings without limitation at the discretion of the BSA, and I specifically waive any right to any compensation I may have for any of the foregoing

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