Pioneer District BBQ
September 14, 2028 @ 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Pioneer District BBQ & Open House
Come one come all!!
On the second Thursday of September!
Los Gatos Scout Hut – 2 New York Ave, Los Gatos
6:30pm Gathering
7:00 Introduction
7:05 Dinner
7:30 District Presentations
8:00 Dutch Oven Desserts
9:00 Close
Please join the Pioneer District for a delicious BBQ dinner on the second Thursday of September! This BBQ is in lieu of our normal Roundtable and we hope to see you all there at this fun and informative event, sponsored and organized by our District’s Commissioners. If you haven’t had the chance to come to many Roundtables, this is the one to come to!
Come meet your District’s Commissioners and key volunteers and hear about all the resources and activities available in the upcoming Scouting year. Some of the highlights we will be discussing:
How the District can be of assistance to you and your unit
Upcoming District Events and Activities
Fundraising, Recruiting, Activities, and Training Resources
And much, much more!
We will have great food, networking opportunities and of course wonderful fellowship. Please take this opportunity to invite as many of your unit leaders and parents to see just how big of a movement they are a part of.
The BBQ Dinner and Dutch Oven Desserts will be $12 per Scouter with online registration, or $15 at the door. All meat will be Halal and Vegetarian options will be served.
See you there! GO PIONEER!
Sign up here: https://scoutingevent.com/055-pioneerbbq24
Questions? Please contact Alex Parks, Alex.Parks@scouting.org