
Black Pug – How To Use

We are modernizing! The Council has begun the transition to a new system named Black Pug. This exciting tool will consolidate four systems to one – streamlining event registrations, payments, check-in, and managing your unit account.

Over the next few months, you will see changes to how payments are processed at the front desk or over the phone, reserve camping, and sign up for events.

Click here to reserve a Campsite

Setting Up An Account

A Black Pug account allows you to save your activity data, makes registering faster, and access your unit account if you have a leadership role in your unit. Below is how to get started! If you are a committee chair, make sure to register with the email address on file in my.scouting.org so that it automatically syncs you with your unit. 

Video below includes:

  • Creating account
  • Editing profile
  • Changing password
  • Import and manage roster
  • View past registrations

Registering For Events

A Black Pug account allows you to save your activity data, makes registering faster, and access your unit account if you have a leadership role in your unit. Below is how to get started! If you are a committee chair, make sure to register with the email address on file in my.scouting.org so that it automatically syncs you with your unit. 

Videos below includes:

  • Finding information about event or training
  • Who to contact for questions
  • Entering contact information and  participant information
  • Required information in red
  • Additional actions – Adding or deleting participants. etc
  • Pay schedule and completing check-out process
  • Council policies

Accessing Roster Imported By Council

Once a month we will update the roster in Black Pug to assist you in registering on behalf of your unit and to valid membership for anyone registered to stay overnight. For anyone in your unit with roster access they will be able to see the roster and use it when registering. 

Videos below includes:

  • How to see the units that you are linked 
  • Accessing the roster
  • Using the roster to register
  • Viewing activities by participant

Unit Account Management

Every unit has a controller (committee chair) that has the keys to the unit and can provide different access to other members of their unit to see the roster, make payments, see current unit account amounts, and more. The below video is for the controller of the unit. 

Videos below includes:

  • How to add additional trusted people for your unit
  • Deposit to your Unit account
  • Different levels of access that can be set up
  • How to see a record of unit transactions. 
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