- No events scheduled for November 6, 2023.
Scouts BSA – Merit Badge Counselor Position Specific Training
Good Samaritan United Methodist Church 19624 Homestead Rd, CupertinoLoma Prieta District – Monthly District Committee Meeting
Boys and Girls Club 543 Center Str, Santa Cruz- No events scheduled for November 10, 2023.
- No events scheduled for November 11, 2023.
Week of Events
Outdoor Adventure Roleplay Scenario
Outdoor Adventure Roleplay Scenario
Go on a magical adventure and advance towards merit badges at the Grand Magical Moot! Every five years, representatives of the villages of the Ostuc region come together for a Grand Moot to reaffirm friendships, trade stories, and decide how to pool their resources for the coming years. It is […]
Outdoor Adventure Roleplay Scenario 2024
Outdoor Adventure Roleplay Scenario 2024
Go on a magical adventure and advance towards merit badges at the Grand Magical Moot! Every five years, representatives of the villages of the Ostuc region come together for a Grand Moot to reaffirm friendships, trade stories, and decide how to pool their resources for the coming years. It is […]
Quicksilver District Committee Meeting
Quicksilver District Committee Meeting
Quicksilver District Committee Meeting will be online via zoom this month An email will be sent off with the login for this meeting. Please email for information if you did not receive the notice. To sign up for future notices, please join Scouter Weekly and select the Quicksilver Options. Please send […]
Scouts BSA – Merit Badge Counselor Position Specific Training
Scouts BSA – Merit Badge Counselor Position Specific Training
In-Person Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 – Polaris Hosting as a breakout for the Polaris Roundtable Good Samaritan United Methodist Church 19624 Homestead Rd, Cupertino, CA 95014 United States Registration Link: https://fs10.formsite.com/svmbc/mbc2023/index
Pioneer District Commissioner Meeting
Pioneer District Commissioner Meeting
A monthly meeting for District Commissioners to discuss unit service, commissioning, and all things Scouting. The Pioneer District Commissioners meet on the second Wednesday of each month from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Meetings are held via Zoom and/or in person. Reach out to Alex.Parks@scouting.org or bizzyizzy2000@yahoo.com for the link […]
Santa Lucia Roundtable
Santa Lucia Roundtable
Meets monthly on the second Thursday of each month, 7:00 - 8:30 in Person at the Monterey Elk's Lodge. Please go to the building on the right side of the main entrance. For those who cannot make it in person, there is a Zoom option: Meeting ID: 836 4943 3695 […]
Loma Prieta District – Monthly District Committee Meeting
Loma Prieta District – Monthly District Committee Meeting
Loma Prieta Scouters, we are excited to welcome you to our District Committee. YOU can make a difference in your scout's, your unit's, your community's scouting experience! Get involved on the District Committee level, and become part of the steering force to bring better program to more youth! District leaders […]

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