Basic Leader Training
October 18 @ 8:00 am - 12:30 pm
$10 – $25Join us for our Basic Training Day with IN-PERSON sessions for all the big position specific trainings.
Choose from one of the courses and get everything you need to have the basic training for your volunteer role. Give us your morning and we will give you the tools to make your program great!
Sessions include:
- Den Leader/ Assistant
- Cubmaster/ Assistant
- Pack Committee Chair/ Member
- Scoutmaster/ASM
- Troop Committee Chair/Member
- Venturing Leader
This annual fall event is not one to miss! Join in fellowship with your fellow leaders and learn from experienced Scouters.
This training covers the basics for all Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, Venturing Leaders, & New Leaders!!! Please bring pen and paper for notes and your Leader handbook. (Scout BSA trainings include an new handbook.) One course can be taken for the day.
Details Coming Soon!
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